МОСКВА, 8 янв — РИА Новости. Украинские войска за первую неделю 2025 года потеряли почти 13 тысяч военнослужащих и 46 танков, подсчитало РИА Новости на основе данных Минобороны России.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the user is experiencing an Error 429 (Too Many Requests) on the VK service, likely due to one or more of these issues:
* Excessive requests from the browser: The user's browser is sending too many requests to the VK server.
* Non-secure connection (HTTP instead of HTTPS): The page is being loaded over an insecure connection, preventing a smooth return to the previous page.
* Disabled cookies: Cookies are disabled, preventing the page from receiving necessary data to function.
The user is advised to contact VK support for assistance.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the user is experiencing an Error 429 (Too Many Requests) on the VK service, likely due to one or more of these issues: * Excessive requests from the browser: The user's browser is sending too many requests to the VK server. * Non-secure connection (HTTP instead of HTTPS): The page is being loaded over an insecure connection, preventing a smooth return to the previous page. * Disabled cookies: Cookies are disabled, preventing the page from receiving necessary data to function. The user is advised to contact VK support for assistance.